Meaning of ICYMI and FYI

just dey play sign ICYMI

If you de follow some news agency like Punch NG, you for don see dey see say dem dey use ICYMI.

And on different formal and informal settings, you fit don also see “FYI” and maybe you don de wonder wetin these two abbreviations mean.

Meaning of ICYMI

ICYMI na abbreviation wey stand for “In Case You Missed It” and Punch NG de use am well well to help people find other news wey them don publish already.

But no be only Punch NG de use am since na very popular acronym wey people de use to remind other people about some things wey sup before.

For the case of Punch NG, them the use the acronym show their viewers other related news wey fit give them OT about wetin sup before. And this ICYMI wan take dey similar in meaning with FYI.

Meaning of FYI

FYI stand for For Your Information. Na usually when person wan remind another person about something wey them don forget or, something wey them no know.

As ICYMI take dey popular for news agency side, na so FYI take dey popular for social media side. And na usually when two people de exchange gba gbos naim them like to use FYI.

Emmanuella Koughna

Emmanuella Nguavese Koughna sees writing beyond a means of survival, to her, the ability to weave words into scenery and tell stories of herself and others is indeed a gratifying one. To her, writing is a privilege that she considers, greatly underappreciated, because it is beyond words: writing is taking a walk through an author's mind, seeing the world through multiple lenses. To Emmanuella, writing is living multiple lives in one soul.

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