Meaning of Jisike

Asking a seller to add Jara. Jisike

Many popular Nigerian slangs na from native Nigerian languages them come out from, especially Yoruba and Igbo.

For Yoruba, you go hear some slangs like yinmu, sojinu, werey and ojukokoro. For Igbo, we get ike gwuru, zukwanuike and this jisike wey we go talk about.

Meaning of Jisike

For Igbo, jisike fit mean many things depending on how you look at am. Some common meanings of jisike na, well done, keep it up or continue.

When person use jisike, them de try ginger person for something wey the person de do already.

Them fit use jisike make them hype you enter wahala, especially people wey de Stan celebrities. No matter the decision wey the celebrity dey take na Jisike the followers go talk even if e carry them go Kirikiri.

For example, many fans of VDM de support am even when him de talk wetin go land am for inside big wahala. Like that time wey him accuse IG of police wey them arrest am. Many of him followers de ginger am until him land for kirikiri.

Emmanuella Koughna

Emmanuella Nguavese Koughna sees writing beyond a means of survival, to her, the ability to weave words into scenery and tell stories of herself and others is indeed a gratifying one. To her, writing is a privilege that she considers, greatly underappreciated, because it is beyond words: writing is taking a walk through an author's mind, seeing the world through multiple lenses. To Emmanuella, writing is living multiple lives in one soul.

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