Woman arrested for killing Newborn Baby due to dislike for Husband

Woman arrested for killing newborn baby

One tragic incident occur recently for Fagba, Lagos, where one woman allegedly kill her newborn baby just hours after delivery.

Di woman, wey name no be revealed, reportedly hide di baby’s body under her bed.

Why the woman killed her newborn baby

Sources claim say di woman resent her husband from di beginning of their marriage and she no like am. She allegedly want give birth to di baby for her village, but her husband refuse. Di woman’s dislike for her husband reportedly lead to di killing of di newborn baby.

The arrest

Di woman don be arrested by di police and she dey face charges for murder. Di incident don spark outrage and shock for di community, and many people dey condemn di woman’s action.

The investigation

Di police don start investigation into di matter, and dem dey try to find out why di woman kill her newborn baby. Di woman’s husband and other family members don be questioned by di police, and dem dey try to get to di root of di matter.

The lesson

Di incident don teach us say marriage no be joke, and couples must try to resolve their differences amicably. Di woman’s action no be justifiable, and she must face di consequences of her action.

Clement Christopher

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