Flood for 3rd Mainland Bridge entry

Flooding for 3rd Mainland Bridge

Heavy rain don cause serious flooding for the entry and exit points of 3rd Mainland Bridge, wey be one of the main road wey connect Lagos Island to mainland.

The rain wey start early morning Wednesday, don lead to big traffic wahala and e don make people dey stranded for area of Iyana-Oworo and Olopo Meji wey be route to  3rd Mainland Bridge.

People wey see wetin happen talk say water level rise quick, and water full plenty lanes and many cars stop for road.

Emergency people don rush go help but the plenty water dey make the work hard to use.

Lagos State Traffic Management Authority (LASTMA) don tell drivers make dem avoid the bridge if dem fit, make dem use another road.

This LASTMA so don dey try clear the water and make traffic flow normal again.

This kind thing show say problem still dey with the city drainage system, especially as weather dey change anyhow.

Authorities don promise say dem go check wetin cause the flooding and do something to stop am for future.

As people dey manage the wahala, this event remind us say the city dey very exposed to this kind heavy rain and the need to improve our urban planning and infrastructure dey urgent.

Strength James

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