Meaning of the phrase “Village people”

Oversabi face

Di phrase “Village people” causes lafta and confusion at di same time. But wetin exactly be di meaning?

Meaning 1: Out of touch

For dis Naija slang, “Village people” refer to people wey no dey know wetin dey happen; as in, people wey no dey current, or people wey just dey do tings wey no make sense.

Dem fit be people wey no dey city, or people wey no get exposure to modern tins.

Meaning 2: Evil relatives

Village people also refers to evil relatives or enemies wey no want you to succeed in life. Dem fit be people wey dey your family, but dem no want you to shine.

Dem fit be people wey dey your village, but dem no want you to progress.

Using “Village people” in conversation

For example, if your friend dey wear clothes wey no match, you fit say “My guy, why you behave like village people? Wetin you dey wear?”

Or if dem dey do something wey no make sense, you fit say “Village people things! Why you dey do am?”

You can also use “Village people” when you’re doing sometin and suddenly the tin just spoil.

Take note

If person use the phrase “Village people” on you, e no be insult o! Na just Naija slang wey we dey use to laugh and joke.

So, di next time someone call you “Village people”, just laugh am off and remember say na just joke!


Clement Christopher

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