President Salary In 1979

IMG 3223 President Salary In 1979

E get one resit wey dey trend for X today June 5. This resit comot immediately after dem suspend di NLC Indefinite Strike wey start for Monday June 3.

In side this resit, e show sey them bin approve #50,000 as di president salary for that year. This resit show sey di salary na for di year 1979 wey na Shehu Shagari be president.

Not only that, di resit show di salary of many other pipo wey dey for government that time. And na wetin them write for di resit be this:

  1. Vice President salary na #30,000/year
  2. Senate President salary na #22,000/year
  3. Deputy Senate President na #18,000/year
  4. Ministers na #16,000/year
  5. Deputy speaker na #17,000/year
  6. Special adviser na #16,000/year
  7. Junior Ministers na #14,000/year
  8. Head of service na #16,000/year
  9. Senate leader na #18,000/year

President salary in 1979

Nigerians React To President Salary In 1979

As di resit comot, e come spark many reactions online as pipo begin analyze am, compare and contrast am with wetin today government pipo the collect.

One thing wey some pipo no know be sey, for that 1979, #1 na $0.6. E mean sey, president bin de collect $30,000/year and like #4,170/month that time. But wetin that $30, 000 fit do that time, person gats hol like $129, 565.29 to do that same thing today.

This one show sey even dollar bin experience inflation like 3.30% every year since that 1979. And this inflation don accumulate to like 331.80% from that time till now wey na 45 years.

President Salary In 1979

Pipo wey sabi di koko come de analyze di matter deeper come tok sey, di money no too different with wetin government pipo de collect today. Sey for that time, person fit buy motor with money wey no go reach #1000 sef, and that one mean sey, even for that 1979, di pipo for government bin de collect wetin no good.

Emmanuella Koughna

Emmanuella Nguavese Koughna sees writing beyond a means of survival, to her, the ability to weave words into scenery and tell stories of herself and others is indeed a gratifying one. To her, writing is a privilege that she considers, greatly underappreciated, because it is beyond words: writing is taking a walk through an author's mind, seeing the world through multiple lenses. To Emmanuella, writing is living multiple lives in one soul.

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