Meaning of Delulu

Delulu face

Delulu na short way of writing Delusional. No be for Naija e come out from, but Nigerians sef de follow use am well well.


Delulu mean sey when person no want face reality. People wey de imagine things wey no fit sup, or no de sup na people wey dey delulu.

NLC  demanding for #400k minimum wage na clear case of delulu because e fit sup for Naija.

For social media, them de talk sey, delulu is the solulu, meaning delusion is the solution.

That is to say that people wey de do Delulu de use am hold body together as the solulu to their problems.

Nowadays if person dey do Delulu, them the advice am make he/she touch grass.

To touch mean sey make them snap back to reality in case them don forget themselves.

Emmanuella Koughna

Emmanuella Nguavese Koughna sees writing beyond a means of survival, to her, the ability to weave words into scenery and tell stories of herself and others is indeed a gratifying one. To her, writing is a privilege that she considers, greatly underappreciated, because it is beyond words: writing is taking a walk through an author's mind, seeing the world through multiple lenses. To Emmanuella, writing is living multiple lives in one soul.

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