Meaning of Ekperima

The face of Ekperima

Ekperima na Igbo slang but e don dey show face for internet recently. Maybe na because of the kind things wey de sup for this country, but many people for social media no de take time to call person ekperima.

If you no be igbo, e go hard you to know the real meaning of Ekperima.

Meaning of Ekperima

The real meaning of Ekperima na thief. E shock you abi? Toh!. Ekperima na word wey igbo people de use call person wey be criminal, or thief.

And if you look out how Yahoo Boys don full everywhere for internet, e no go shock you why the word don de trend for internet.

Many people don de move funny these days because of hardship. Some de turn to ponzi, others na full time fraud or yahoo. Those kind people na them be the ekperima wey them de talk about.

Social Media Use

Most times if you come across ekperima, na when them nearly scam person, or during fake fake giveaway.

Because for internet, no be every giveaway be giveaway, some na means to collect money from innocent Nigerians wey no get OT.

One recent example of Ekperima na the 14 Yahoo boys wey EFCC arrest for Makurdi, Benue State capital.

Emmanuella Koughna

Emmanuella Nguavese Koughna sees writing beyond a means of survival, to her, the ability to weave words into scenery and tell stories of herself and others is indeed a gratifying one. To her, writing is a privilege that she considers, greatly underappreciated, because it is beyond words: writing is taking a walk through an author's mind, seeing the world through multiple lenses. To Emmanuella, writing is living multiple lives in one soul.

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