Meaning of Oversabi

Oversabi face

Oversabi, ITK or Aproko na names wey them de call person wey like to do sabi sabi. Or person wey like to show sey them know everything.

ITK meaning I Too Know and Aproko na person wey dey do cho cho cho for matters wey no consign them. People wey likely be aje.

So if person na Oversabi person, other names wey them de call them na ITK or Aproko.

Na why Aproko doctor for social media de always get something to talk be that. Because him sabi sey him de always get talk for matters wey consign health, naim him decide name himself Aproko doctor.


Emmanuella Koughna

Emmanuella Nguavese Koughna sees writing beyond a means of survival, to her, the ability to weave words into scenery and tell stories of herself and others is indeed a gratifying one. To her, writing is a privilege that she considers, greatly underappreciated, because it is beyond words: writing is taking a walk through an author's mind, seeing the world through multiple lenses. To Emmanuella, writing is living multiple lives in one soul.

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