Meaning of Jejely

Bad belle smiling jejely with bam

For Nigerian street slang, jejely don become di go-to word when people wan describe how dem dey handle matter with calmness or without wahala. E dey represent peace and carefulness for how person dey act.

Meaning of Jejely

Jejely means to do something calmly, gently, or without rushing. As some Nigerians go talk “very demure“. E dey used when person dey take life easy, handle situations without stress, or avoid drama. Na slang wey show how person fit move or act with sense and peace.

Usage In Sentences

  • “I just dey jejely waka my own, I no want wahala.”
  • “Make we jejely handle di matter before e turn big problem.”
  • “She dey do her work jejely, no rush, no stress.”

In short, jejely means to move or do things in a gentle and peaceful way, avoiding any unnecessary trouble or drama.

Strength James

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